****2020 Season is now closed****
We are currently discussing our options for 2021 and you can see what we are thinking on the blog right now.
We have offered vegetable farm shares (CSA) since 2005 and we have evolved our system in 2020 to a farm credit system. We are no longer offering shares, but we are offering you the chance to buy credits that you can use to purchase any of the products we offer. We would be honored to be your personal farmers for the growing season.
Why should Rob and Tammy Faux of the Genuine Faux Farm be your personal farmers?
- Experienced - our farm and CSA has been in operation since 2005 and we actively seek to improve how our farm performs each and every year.
Sign up! I, the Sandman, have spoken. - Responsive - you will see at least one of your farmers at every delivery and we are happy to converse with you about things you would like to see happen with your share and on the farm.
- Reliable - we grow a wide range of crops and varieties to provide our own version of crop insurance on your behalf.
- Responsible - we work to keep all three legs of our sustainable farm strong. We strive to work with nature and we are active in the community - all while maintaining a reasonable bottom line.
- Accountable - we have maintained organic certification for our vegetable production since 2007 and we are pleased to answer any questions you might have about how we grow.
- Traceable - 90% of the produce you will receive is grown on our farm Northwest of Tripoli, Iowa. The remaining 10% is clearly labeled so you know who grows your food.
- Flexible - there are now many ways you can participate. Take a look and see what fits you best.
- A Good Buy - farm credits get you a better price because we gain some security in knowing that you have invested in us.
- Safe Food - we take safe food seriously. We have completed food safety training and we are taking steps to address the current pandemic.
Genuine Faux Farm Credit Program
(our new CSA model)
We are beginning to get more inquiries regarding our CSA program
and we though it would be a good idea to get a post out there that
clarifies how you can get products form the Genuine Faux Farm in 2020.
Genuine Faux Farm is Dead! Long Live Genuine Faux Farm!
How Do You Purchase Credits?
- Credits purchased in $50 increments
- Maximum credit balance carried at any time is $200
- You can add more credits at any time ($50 at a time, cap at $200 at any given time).
- You can join us at any point during the season.
- Credits will expire 13 months after purchase (but we will help you get your value before that happens.
- Send payment by mail or via Paypal (contact us for details).
How Do You Use Credits?
- Delivery each week.
- Alternating locations between Waverly and Cedar Falls.
- Weekly email will list available product and provide instructions for delivery day.
- Place an order by responding to the email to reserve the items you want.
- A 'gentle reminder' email on the day of delivery will confirm orders received.
- Individual questions will be responded to at that time as well in separate correspondence.
- Come to the delivery point and pick up your products.
- We will maintain a ledger with your balance and mark off credits used once items have been delivered.
How Do I Pick Up My Produce?
primary pick up location in Cedar Falls is the West parking lot for
Jorgensen Plaza. Our secondary delivery point will be Hansen's Outlet.
Our primary pick up location in Waverly is St Andrew's Church and our
secondary site will be at the Yogi Life Yoga and Cycling Studio.
Secondary delivery points will depend on demand and other factors.
current plan is to alternate weeks between Waverly and Cedar Falls.
You may come to any delivery point. In other words, a Cedar Falls
customer, if they are going to be in Waverly on delivery day, can
certainly order and pick up product in Waverly. The reverse is also
Why Should You Join?
- Like the CSA program, this gives you the advantage of not having to pull out money at each delivery.
- We will give participants better pricing and opportunities than those who might prefer to 'pay as they go.'
- This program provides flexibility to allow you to participate when you are able to do so, regardless of travel schedule.
- Were you tired of receiving produce you really didn't want? This program allows you to select what you want.
- Did you want more of one thing and less of another? Farm credits allow you to order what you want from the things that we have available at any given week.
- Were there times you wanted to pick up in Cedar Falls rather than Waverly or vice versa? Well, you can do that with the new program too.
- Are there times of the year when you are more interested in buying farm products and others when you are not? Once again, you order as you go, using the credits to acquire what you want, when you want it.
- Did you like the old CSA program? Well, good news, we can offer packages at each delivery for a certain number of farm credits. If that is what you liked, then it will be similar - we'll just be counting credits.
- Just want eggs or chickens? Starter plants? Flowers? Well, guess what? They're part of the program too!
- Would you like lower prices? Members will receive items at last year's prices (which are remarkably similar to the past eight years). Those who are not members can still purchase, but we will not guarantee the same price.
And The Most Important Reason to Join?
The Details!
When does it start?
Right now. Sign up and get placed on our email list. The list with available items goes out every week on Tuesday.
How do I order something?
Respond to the weekly email and tell us what you want that is on our available item list. The day of the delivery, we send out a 'gentle reminder email' that includes a list of orders received. Check to be sure you are on the list! If you are not, send your order (again, if need be) by the time deadline provided.
What about all of the changes happening right now?
We will do everything we can to keep ordering an delivery simple for you. But, to do this, we ask that you read our emails carefully and do your best to follow the instructions given. We may have to continue to make adjustments as we go depending on the pandemic situation. Thank you for your patience and we do appreciate feedback that makes the process better.
Pick Up Locations
Waverly: St Andrew's Church parking lot and alternative site at Yogi Life Studio. Alternating Wednesdays
Cedar Falls: Jorgensen Plaza and alternative site at Hansen's Outlet. Alternating Thursdays
Alternative sites may or may not be frequented each week depending on demand and other circumstances. Please read each week's emails for details. We will alternate weeks between Waverly and Cedar Falls until further notice.
How Do I Sign Up?
Send us an email at gff@genuinefauxfarm.com and give us the email address(es) you want us to use. Send payment via postal service or paypal. Ask us for details on addresses, in your email please.
Want to Know More?
Contact us at gff@genuinefauxfarm.com
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