Monday, August 30, 2010

Farm Report for end of August

Here it is - the ultra quick farm report:
  • Doing well are cucumbers, summer squash, zucchini, tomatoes
  • Doing reasonably well are green beans, the new batches of lettuce, the new batch of beets, dry beans
  • We still have lots of garlic to dole out over the next few weeks to the CSA
  • You are not going to see winter squash, watermelons, peppers, pumpkins, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, leeks - many are simply dead, others so badly stunted as to make it clear nothing will happen. It's just the way the year has gone.
  • Potatoes are still possible, but in a smallish number. There are plants that are still green and may have unrotted potatoes forming.
  • Onions - may still exist in the field. We lost many to the rains and then the weeds took over. We need to cut down the weeds so we can see what is there for onions. It is possible all rotted away - but onions can be sneaky, so we are hoping.
  • Melons are setting on the plants in the high tunnel. It will be VERY close. You can hope, but there can be no promises.
  • Carrots. Not likely, but we may be able to scrounge a few from some rows.
  • Kale, kohlrabi, broccoli, cabbage - we have new plants in the ground. Again - it will be close - but we are giving it the try you (and they) deserve.
  • We may be able to pull out some green onions on the late onion planting we put in. (we've been experimenting more with late plantings by necessity - if it works, we all win.)
  • Eggplant - a dribble here and a dribble there.
  • new plantings of turnips, beets, radish, arugula, etc etc too young to say much as of yet.

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