Monday, November 29, 2010

Favorite Holiday

Every year, I am reminded that Thanksgiving truly is my favorite holiday.  It's foci are friends, family, food and (because I can't think of another word to maintain the alliterative style) the blessings of living.

Once again, we had the big farm-raised turkey.  We happily consumed fresh rolls, fresh greens from the high tunnel and lots of other good stuff.  All of our parents and my sister joined us for the day.  And, the two little "nibsters" (the kittens) behaved and actually slept and looked cute through most of the celebration.  Good conversations were had and a game was played and everyone seemed content to be together for a time.  Even the laying hens were given special treats to eat! 

Thank you to our families for being supportive and loving throughout the year.  There are so many things that would not happen on this farm if you weren't involved in some way. 

Thank you to our friends, who are willing to wade through our comments about lettuce and wheel hoes only to find out we are actually serious about these things.  And, yet, you still let us hang out with you.

Thank you to all of our CSA members past and present.  The CSA model is a good thing.  The small, local farm is a good thing.  Neither could be more than nice concepts without the people who make the effort to do the work worthwhile.

Thank you to all who buy from our farmers' market.  Thank you to the buyers for institutions and organizations that support local farms such as our own.  We're all learning and getting better at this every year.

Thank you to our peers who also try to make small, local, organic, sustainable agriculture work.  We commiserated during some difficult growing seasons.  Let's remember to celebrate together when things go well.

Thank you to fine organizations that support the things we do.  The conferences, gatherings, learning, research and opportunities to connect with others in our field (no - not THAT field, the OTHER one) are of great value to us.

It's good to be alive.

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