Monday, April 20, 2009

Roof Revisited

We now have a roof. What a nice thing.

The whole thing started inauspiciously with snow on the ground, cool weather and lots of wind. It got progressively nicer - thankfully.

At the beginning of day 2, Gingerich Construction had tar paper and ice/water barrier around 2/3rds of the house. Part of his crew was working on morphing the old roof into a mess on the ground.

And, at the end of day 2, there was metal on two-thirds of the roof and the remaining one-third was wrapped in ice/water barrier and tar paper. The mess on the ground was substantial...of course.

Two and three-quarters days later - we had a full roof. Looks pretty darn good.

The picture above was taken a few days later after the mess was cleaned up and we had begin working on other spring projects. Coolers and containers needed cleaning, plant seedlings are getting some sun (at right) and the 4-tier portable 'greenhouses' got cleaned up and ready for use.

To give only a sample of the magnitude of cleaning that had to be done - here's a picture of one particularly nasty pile after the roof tear off was completed.

Most of the cleanup was R's job. T helped when she wasn't busy handling finals week at the same UOC that Dr. Ben work's at... T's parents helped to finalize the cleaning - so it all over except for the crying. And the wayward shingle/cedar shake.... Oh, and the nails. The magnet sounds like it's popping popcorn when we run it over some of these areas.

R is still not sure how to feel about all of this. Every other home we have owned that we have roofed (most) we have done ourselves (with help, of course). But, the reminder of how tough it can be just to clean up was probably sufficient to cure him of that thought.

1 comment:

  1. 1) That's a nice-looking new roof!

    2) That's a not-so-nice-looking pile of debris. *NOW* I get what you were talking about...


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