Thursday, June 3, 2010

Some May Crop Pictures (but we don't)

The nice thing about a blog is the relative ease with which we can give everyone some idea of how things are going on the farm.

Below is a picture from May 20:

The garlic in this picture has grown a good bit in just a couple of weeks. And, of course, the weeds have as well. The good news here, however, is that the garlic survived the winter well and are growing on schedule for the season. We should be able to begin harvesting scapes in mid to late June. And, the garlic harvest typically begins around July 21. And, thanks to our most excellent work crew - we were able to clean four of the six 70 foot rows of weeds today!)

You may find it helpful to click on the image below and open the picture in a separate tab or window. You'll might be able to see it a bit better:

this is a picture of some of our early cabbage, onion and broccoli planting on May 20. They don't look like much - but Tuesday night's rain really helped these things take off. Guess we'd better find the battery charger so we can take new pictures!

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