Tuesday, October 18, 2011

October Farm Report

What's happening on the farm?

End of Regular Season CSA
This is the last week of the regular season.  For many of us, it seems like we just started.  There are many mixed feelings at the end of the year.  We're both pleased and sad about the conclusion of the regular season CSA.  However, we can say, without any reservation, that this has been the best bunch of CSA subscribers we've had the honor to serve!  Thank you all!

Look at Me From the Side, Do I Look Fat To You?
Honest!  We didn't do anything measurably different for the turkeys this season.  Same feed supplier.  Same feed rates.  Actually 10 fewer days on the farm than last season.  Same breed of turkey.  Same chick supplier.  Yet, the birds are really big this year!  Only difference is the weather - it was much nicer for them.  In any event, to make these birds more accessible to you, we dropped the price to $3/lb.  They are now ready to be dinner guests.

Extended Season CSA
Cost for the extended season will be $200 this fall.  It covers 8 weeks of produce starting next week (Oct 25).  We will be sending details to all who gave us notice of their interest.  Rob just needs to get through Tuesday's CSA (among other things).  And, we have a limit on sending email.  So, we can't send that note out the same time we send the regular season CSA note.

Going to the Birds
The ducks went to the park, the broilers went to the park and now the turkeys went to the park.  Lots of lifting going on (over 1300lbs of turkey processed).  Many turks still available.  Many ducks.  A fair number of broilers.  We have dropped the price on the turks to $3/lb in part because the birds were so large.

Buildings and Equipment
The tractor is in for repairs.  Evidently it needs new points - which is a pain to do on this type of tractor.  As a result, we're going to upgrade to an electric start.  The barn will start coming down as soon as we move the hens and other materials out of it.  The high tunnel needs to be moved in the next week or two.  If anyone is interested in helping with this process, let us know.  We can't announce a date/time because it is dependent on the wind.

Harvest Progress
Nearly all of the winter squash are in.  Harvest levels were fair, but not great.  Everyone in the CSA should be getting a few squash during the last week.  Not a bounty, but nothing to sneeze at either.  Potatoes are trickling in.  We were planning on using the tractor to speed up the harvest.  But, if you've been reading, you know the tractor went off line about 2.5 weeks ago (right after testing the potato digger tool).  There are still dry beans, tomatoes and peppers to pull in.  Whatever we fail to bring in for tomatoes and peppers will likely freeze this week.

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