Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Before and After

Emma told me today that she likes before and after pictures.  Therefore - we have before and after pictures.

For those of you who wonder what your farmers do on one of the longest days of the year (today) - here it is.

Yesterday evening, this field looked like this:

Nothin' here but some weeds.
 This evening, the field looks like this:
There be Winter Squash, captain!
And this field.... was embarrassing:

We suspect there is something in here - but what?
 But, this evening - it looked like this:
Taters! Precioussssssss.
Full disclosure - we didn't get to the Southern third of that field.  Hey, whaddaya want?  Perfection?

Oh.  Well.

Proof that farmers do work is below:
Oh, and Emma works too!

And so does Caleb.
 And.. so does Tammy.  Except when she is taking pictures to prove that everyone else works.

 Now it is time to wind down the day.   zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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