Saturday, June 10, 2023


Having a kitten on the farm is one way to teach you to look for fun in unexpected places.  Murphy has been encouraging the farmers to participate in several sports that we have either forgotten (since the last kitten was on the farm) or we have never known.  I think it is possible Murphy is making some of these up as we go, but she's not confirming nor is she deny anything.

Here are a few of the games we have been involved in thus far:

Falling Leaf Snatch

I was pruning some lower leaves off of some of the pepper plants that are still in pots (but looking very good) and tossing them to the side.  Murphy was nearby (and she almost always IS nearby when we are outside) and decided this had the potential for a competition.  How quickly could she pounce on a leaf after it had hit the ground.

Please note, it is illegal (apparently) to touch the leaf before it gets to the ground.  I found that out when I tried tossing a leaf or two ONTO the kitten.  That earned me a foul and the momentary disdain of the participating kitten.  If you have never been on the receiving end of a kitten's disdain, it is something to behold.  But, behold it quickly, because they'll soon forget it was a thing.

Especially if you just toss another leaf.

Capture the Flag

I think we may have shared this video (or one like it) before.  Let's just say that there is nothing quite like a tile flag to get Murphy in the move for some of her own gymnastics.  At the very least, she'll exercise those neck muscles just trying to follow the flag as it bounces around.

Thus far, Murphy has never captured the flag.  That probably has more to do with the humans than the kitten.  A tile flag is actually on a fairly sturdy wire and if we got it too close it could do a little damage if kitten and tile flag collided.  The purpose here is to go through the motions of trying to follow the path of the flag successfully - something Murphy is a natural at.

Bowling for Kittens

Some of you might remember the snowball version of bowling for kittens.  The hard part was trying to pack snowballs one-handed so you can record a video with a (mostly) broken phone in the other.  Of course, it is June now, so snowballs are not available.  But, the driveway is full of small rocks.

Yes, Murphy will chase rocks.

Sometimes, when she wants to play, I will distract her by tossing a rock further down the drive and she'll dash after it.  She won't grab it and only rarely will touch the rock.  It's more of a chase and then watch to be sure the rock's temporary animation is completed.

Our graveled drive runs to the garage and out to the granary.  We often walk back on the drive after doing some of our chicken chores and Murphy, of course, is often "helping" with said chores.  Tammy was returning from doing some task and decided she wanted to encourage the kitten to stop walking exactly where Tammy wanted to walk.

The solution?  Toss a rock forward and get the kitten to chase.  Once you catch up to the kitten, pick up another rock and repeat the process.

Worked like a charm.

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