Friday, May 20, 2011

Mad Dash

When the forecast calls for rain, the farmers (on this farm at least) tend to get a bit frantic.  Yes, we need rain to make things grow.  so, we won't exactly complain about the rain right now.  But, we can't do certain work when it is raining or until fields dry after a rain.  So.....

things get crazy around here when we know rain is coming.

I think neither of us sat down for much more than ten minutes at a time during the day today.  Unless you count the time we were on various tractors.  And, I'm not sure you would call that sitting with the nice bumpy ground we have out here.  It's more like a spinal adjustment.

Rather than give a run down of what we did - we thought it would be fun to give a few observations each of us had throughout the last few days.

  • There is a mingling of pride and consternation when one checks the "to do" list at 9am and realizes that the things accomplished so far for the day would normally be enough to make a person pleased with the effort... for the day.  But, we were only 1/4 through the list.  Good thing we were only 1/4 of the way through the day!
  • One tray of cauliflower seedlings can take you about 90 feet down a row.  And it takes an awful lot of onion seedlings to do a 'two abreast' row of 200 feet.
  • The seed potatoes arrived today.  We wanted to put them in right away - but there was the simple matter of brassica, onions, cucumbers and peas to plant, tall grass to be mowed down, seedbeds to be prepared, a market on Saturday AM, a Spring CSA distribution on Saturday, chores to be done AND Gilder to frame for it.
  • I keep telling myself - "Self, get the digital camera out.  People want to see pictures."  Unfortunately, my self replies with, "YOU go get the camera, I'm busy."   I'm not sure if this is a good sign when one's own self is indignant with a request...  I'll have a word with him later.
  • Came up with a name for our new BCS tiller.  Barty.  A prize for anyone who can tell us why we named it Barty.
  • Felt complimented when a member of the roller derby team, the Push-up Brawlers told us we must be the official farm of the team.  We have three illustrious CSA members who participate on the team. 
  • Back to the sitting down thing.  It's actually a dangerous thing to sit down on the farm (for us anyway).  The exception is if we are sitting on a tractor to do a job of some type.  But, if we stop moving, it's amazing how quickly the "tireds" can move in.  It's even worse if a cat happens to see you sitting down.  Quickest way to take an unplanned nap.
  • And, it is kind of scary when you compliment each other on eating supper early - at 8:30 pm.
Happy Friday!


  1. The lack of photos is made up for by the Princess Bride reference!

    Any my guess for 'Barty' is Billy Barty- small but overcame big obstacles. My other guess would have been a Harry Potter reference, but I don't think your tiller is evil. (at least I hope it isn't)

    I'm looking forward to my first batch of veg, thanks for all the hard work!

  2. Pamela,

    The Harry Potter reference is on the mark - for the most part. Consider B.C.S..... (uh oh RAB all over again).


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