Friday, January 22, 2010

Boidy Boids

We finally got around to getting some pictures off of the camera and compressing them to semi-reasonable sizes for the web. And, one of our favorite subjects for photographs would be birds. Why? There weren't any hippos and butterflies don't sit still long enough.

We are trying to get used to a new digital camera AND to the idea that we can take a bunch of shots expecting to 'throw away' the majority of them. With our old film camera, we would pass up numerous opportunities because we didn't want the privilege of paying to see that we missed the shot (or it wasn't as good as we dreamed).

So, that means, we could take several shots of this pelican - and select the one where we actually managed to catch the gull flying in the background.

And, every year, there is at least one great blue heron that decides it will stand still long enough for us to get fairly close to it.

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