Monday, November 1, 2010

Busy Week/End

Things have really been hopping on the farm the last several days.  Hopping and hindered - to be more precise.

First - for those who are looking for email contact from us at the farm - there has been a bit of a problem.  It seems that I am too proficient with my group email typing and sending.  We went over a limit of emails to be sent in an hour and had a block put on us so we could not send out email.  We could receive them, but nothing was outgoing.  Webmail is painful with the rural connection. So.... for those of you who DO read the blog - this is why we haven't responded to emails in a timely fashion.  For those who don't - well - why aren't you reading this?  You'd know why we haven't responded to your emails now!

On to funner things...

CSA - the CSA ended last week with our last set of distributions.  While we remain disappointed with the absence of long season crops such as winter squash and potatoes, we are quite pleased with our effort at providing produce through a series of short season crops.  Some surprises from the summer high tunnel planting didn't hurt during the last couple of weeks either.

Extended season - we are running an extended season CSA.  At present we have five subscribers and will make our first delivery on Tuesday.  We have space enough for 20.

Winter Market - there will be a Winter Market on November 6 from 8:30 to 11:30 and the Waverly Community Center.  We will be there with high tunnel produce at the ready.  The first Saturday in December will see another harvest market in Waverly.  

Kittens - Yes, Hobnob and Bree are good little kittens.  They find ways to force the humans to waste time.  This is why we waited until fall to get kittens.  Smart move, that.  At present, they are confined to the kitchen.  But, the problem with this is that the only exits from the house are through the kitchen.  I think you have ideas as to where this is going.

Silver maple - The giant silver maple that has been growing right next to the foundation of the garage is now horizontal by design.  The skyline looks mighty strange with it down.  The yard area looks like a big clean up job now.  We really would have preferred to keep the tree.  But, when it is threatening to one of your few buildings that is in very good repair...  We did buy a sunburst locust tree that might find its way out there.

High tunnel - The high tunnel was moved from the west position to its east position on Saturday.  Many thanks to Jeff, Ben and Sam for the help.  Five seems to be the perfect number of people to execute the move.  Two people pushing, two keeping roll bars up and one in the tunnel making sure nothing needs attention (wheels on track, tbars obstructing wheels, etc).  There were also some repairs made to minor damage from high winds during the week.  Just one more thing to repair and it's back to where it was (and better).

Brrrrr - The weather got really cold on us Thursday night.  Of course, the high tunnel had not yet been moved over the crops in that patch, so we needed to get them covered.  The problem?  Lots and lots of high wind.  Can't cover things with that.  Oh, and the last Thursday CSA distribution required our attention first.  So, we were putting covers on plants that already had frost on them at about 10pm at night.  Plants actually handled the cold better than the wind.  Not too surprising.

Freaky Friday - We got up very early to take turkeys to the processor.  Came back and did the things we have to do after that.  Got a surprise visit from the people who took our tree down.  Picked up turkeys, delivered some, took others to rented locker space until delivery - etc. 

New computer - I am finally at a point where MOST of my work can be done on the new computer.  Transitions to a new computer can be a problem when your old machine is seven years old.  Little surprises - like no PCMCIA slot - can result in extra time spent trying to get things to go.  Guess I timed this one just right for the phase out of that technology.

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