Monday, June 11, 2012

Crop Report

For those who want to know what's up with the veg on the farm - here it is!  The June 11th Crop Report from GFF!

I can just feel the electricity in the room....of course, if I fixed the short in my keyboard...

Tomatoes - all planted.  Most appear to have set roots well.  None down (knock on wood) which is a record.  We usually lose 4-8 plants out of 600 to wind, etc.  Tomatoes in the high tunnel are not much ahead of those in the field.
Peppers - majority of sweet and bell peppers are in.  Still have to do hot peppers and a few more bells.  Peppers in the high tunnel are slightly ahead of the field peppers.
Eggplant - one half of the plants are in.  For some reason, our specialty eggplant did not start well in their trays.  Despite being treated well, as they always are, we're not pleased with the way they look.  We'll get them in the ground and see what happens.
Okra - we cut down how much we planted this year.  It's a matter of time to pick and people to pick that don't break out in rashes when they do so!
Pumpkin - all in and looking good as transplants.
Brassica (broccoli, etc) - First wave is in, we are just starting the next wave of brassica in trays.  Most appear to have set their roots and are getting growth.  A really good crop of kohlrabi getting going.  We are not happy with how much early loss we had for some things.  Especially cauliflower and romanesco.  It happens.
Onions - One field is in.  The onions in another field are in trays still.  We admit to overplanting because we tend to lose so many to weeds.
Leeks- we reduced how many we planted and this batch looks fabulous...hmmmmm
Pole beans - germination is relatively high.  Fences need to be put up soon!
Peas - We'll see.  We're trying some new things that may or may not get us much.
Cucumbers - succession #1 is transplanted.  A small section needs to be seeded because we underestimated the plants necessary.  cukes in the high tunnel as an experiment are in.  We shall see.
Melons - only one row in the high tunnel.  Good germination.  Rest are in trays with good germination.  We need to get the mulch layer together and put the paper mulch down prior to transplant.
Potatoes - The harder planting method is, of course, resulting in better germination at this point.  Weeds are starting to catch us here.
Green beans - Very good germination.  Weeds also catching us here.
Dry beans - as above.
Winter squash - in trays.  Field is prepped and needs to be marked out and transplant beds made.
Summer Squash & Zucchini - early succession is putting on growth after a 15-20% transplant loss.  Second succession in trays waiting to be put in ground.  Third succession will likely be direct seeding.
Garlic - there is something going on with the garlic.  Very inconsistent with the scapes and maturity.  Lots of rot - even though we haven't had much rain.  We have never seen this before.   doing some research in all of our *snirk*  spare time....
Lettuce - starting to fill out in successions I & II.  III-V are in trays.
Spinach - we should get a picking out of it this week.  After that - unlikely.
Arugula - what a disappointment this Spring.  We'll leave it at that (don't get Rob started).
Mustard - looks good.  Succession I likely gets its last pick this week.  II should go a while yet.
Chard - starting to fill out nicely.
Kale - succession I is in great shape.  II starting to fill out.  III in trays.
Radish - warm weather....we'll get a pick this week, but they may be a bit warmer in taste.

I'm sure I've missed something - but - this has been your GFF Crop Report for June 11, 2012.   

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Crop reports always make me appreciate all the hard work you do--that is quite a list. Thanks for the update!


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