Thursday, July 5, 2012

July Farm Report and Announcements, Etc.

It is time to update everyone on GFF doings.  And, since it is the end of a long, warm day, you can expect either a meandering post or a terse, point-by-point post.  Which would you like this evening?  Ok, I can do that.  And, if it wasn't the answer you gave me, I'll just claim I had some wax in my ears.

 Our next Tom Sawyer Days are :
   July 8 (Sunday)  2pm to 6pm
   July 9 (Monday) 1pm to 5pm

If you are looking for a way to do the electronics 'detox' people are talking about (using less electronics, social media, etc) - then come out to the farm.  turn off your phone.  Hey - you may not even need to turn it off, our service out here is erratic anyway.  We can certainly use some help.  And, the weather if forecast to be cooler.

Beating the Heat
No doubt, it has been warm and it has been dry.  We're doing our best to stay healthy while still getting work done.  Thus far, there have been no incidents with heat exhaustion or dehydration on the farm that we are aware of.  But, being unaware could be a symptom...uh oh.

Rain Dance Wanted
If you can bust a few moves on our behalf, it would be appreciated.  Now, don't pull out the 'flooding rains' dance.  But, an inch of rain would do wonders right now.

Drip Drip Drip
We're doing much more with irrigation (and thus, drip tape) out of necessity.  We just put in an order for another 6000+ feet of the stuff.  That might do us for the year.  Now, to find the time to lay it all down.

Here's the problem.  You cannot easily lay drip tape if there are weeds in the way.  However, if you wait until everything is weeded, you can't water things.  If you don't water things, it gets difficult to pull the weeds in the first place.  We'll figure it out as best as we can. 

Bye Bye
Looks like we're going to till in a few crops.  We were not able to get to some of the onions and half the leeks in time and they are no longer worth our effort to save them.  That's the breaks. 

A different sort of 'bye bye' - all the garlic has been pulled in and is curing now.  The size was much more variable than in the past and we had a lot more culls (garlic that had problems than we usually do).  This doesn't make us happy, but it's a product of the weather this year.  We'll have enough garlic for 5 or so heads per CSA member - at a guess.  But, we'll have to buy a good sized batch of seed garlic for the next season.

That's all my brain can handle right now.  We'll try to post more this weekend.

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