Thursday, November 12, 2015

Crop Report Update

We put out a post in September that showed some of our progress with respect to our crop goals for the year.  Once again, we know we're more interested in these numbers than most of you are.  But, even the idly curious appreciate updates - or so we believe.  The numbers sections and the intro paragraph are pretty much the same.  We have changed the following paragraphs to reflect how things are different just a month and a half later.

We tend to set two goals for ourselves.   The first is a number we think is reasonable AND should provide us with plenty to meet obligations (CSA, etc) and provide additional sales opportunities.  The second is a goal we think we really have to get in order to just meet obligations.  Additional sales would be minimal in that case.
All numbers with * are subject to change as the season continues.
Numbers last updated on December 2, 2015

Green Beans
   goal - 800 pounds                                                   minimum goal - 650 pounds
   2015: 888.5 pounds                                                    2014: 812 pounds
   goal - 500 pounds                                                     minimum goal - 400 pounds
   2015: 424.6 pounds                                                 2014: 674.4 pounds
   goal - 4000 fruit                                                        minimum goal - 3000 fruit
   2015: 2898 fruit                                                        2014: 2142 fruit
   goal - 3000 head                                                       minimum goal - 2000 head
   2015: 3393 head                                                       2014: 3153 head
Bell and Sweet Peppers
   goal - 4000 fruit                                                       minimum goal - 3000 fruit
   2015: 4418 fruit                                                       2014: 4405 fruit
   goal - 1400 fruit                                                       minimum goal - 1000 fruit
   2015: 936 fruit                                                         2014: 1318 fruit
   goal -  750 pounds                                                   minimum goal -  500 pounds 
   2015 -  349.5 pounds                                              2014 -  457.1 pounds
   goal - 500 fruit                                                        min goal - 300 fruit
   2015 - 644 fruit                                                      2014 - 385 fruit
   goal - 2000 bulbs                                                    min goal - 1500 bulbs
   2015 - 3598 bulbs                                                  2014 - 2298 bulbs 
Winter Squash
   goal - 1000 fruit                                                     min goal - 500 fruit
   2015 - 643 fruit                                                     2014 - 64 fruit
Snow Peas
   goal - 250 pounds                                                  min goal - 100 pounds
   2015 - 445.4 pounds                                            2014 - 66 pounds
   goal - 2500 pounds                                               min goal - 1000 pounds
   2015 - 1139.7 pounds                                           2014 - 416.4 pounds
   goal - 600 pounds                                                min goal - 400 pounds
   2015 - 544.8 pounds    *                                       2014 - 36.5 pounds
   goal - 300 pounds                                                min goal - 250 pounds
   2015 - 419.9 pounds    *                                       2014 - 287.2 pounds
Pok Choi
   goal - 400 pounds                                                min goal - 300 pounds
   2015 - 349.0 pounds    *                                       2014 - 628.2 pounds
   goal - 100 pounds                                                min goal - 75 pounds
   2015 - 137.7 pounds    *                                       2014 - 63.5 pounds
Snack Tomato
   goal - 2000 fruit                                                  min goal - 1500 fruit
   2015 - 3332 fruit                                                 2014 - 1925 fruit

What's With All of the * ?
We continue to get a bit better with extending our Fall crops in high tunnels and out in the field.  Granted, the warm Fall has helped us a great deal and we haven't had to do too much other than irrigate to keep some of these crops going well.  But, there are a few things that are surprising to see the asterisk.  Who would have thought we'd continue to harvest tomatoes and peppers in early November.  These ARE from the high tunnel, but if you take a look, they aren't just ugly little wanna-be's.
November 4, 2015 from Valhalla (new high tunnel)
 We don't expect to get much more than one more harvest of these things out of the high tunnel, but we're really quite ok with that.  It is time to move on and prepare that high tunnel for some overwintered items and for the early Spring/later Winter planned plantings.  But, it sure is great to extend the season on these this year.

Choi, spinach, kohlrabi, daikons, watermelon radish and kale in the field
We've still got a number of things in the field that are either growing a bit or are being 'stored' in the field as we slowly bring them in.  For example, our carrots remain in the field since they really won't go bad in the ground.  We harvest as much as we need for the next Fall share distribution each week at this time.  But, we are fully aware that we need to pull the rest in soon.  They, and other root crops could be stored in the field for quite a while if we take certain steps, but frankly, we're more willing to pull them in and store them just prior to the ground freezing.  We usually target Thanksgiving as the time when the ground freezes and working of the soil stops for us (unless it is in a high tunnel).

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