Tuesday, November 15, 2022

The Farmer's Yapping Again

It's something I am willing to do.  Though, for the life of me, I'm not always sure why people want me to do it sometimes.  And yes, that is me, deflecting the possibility that I might have something useful to share with others.

It has been time for the farmer to do his Farmer Yapping Tour in the 2022/23 speaking season.  Today, I'll be speaking to a class at the University of Northern Iowa along with Olga Reding, who will be representing the Iowa Organic Association.  Last week, I was at Hawkeye Community College and the week before that I was at Wartburg and even added in a presentation for Black Hawk County Extension.  I even presented via Zoom for a class in Arizona!

It sounds like there will be another event for Iowa Organic Association and I'll be speaking at the Practical Farmers of Iowa conference in January.  And, there are other things in the works.

I will be honest, I actually like presenting.  That might sound contrary to my introverted nature, but it actually fits pretty well.  It is important to me to do what I can to help others to learn.  I think it is fair to say that I have the heart of a teacher/facilitator of learning.  On top of that, I actually have a fair amount of training for public speaking - despite my introversion tendencies. 

And remember, when an introvert is asked to present, it gives them license and purpose to speak.  You are not just throwing them into a room with  thirty other people and telling them to partake in "small talk."  That, my friends, would be enough to make me find the darkest corner of the room and hide.

Or maybe I'm the guy with the lampshade over his head.  Or those feet at the bottom of the curtain might be mine.  

But most likely, you'll see my backside as I head right on out the door as soon as I find an opportunity.

But, give me purpose and license and I can do very well.  Hence the Farmer Yapping Tour.

Thus far, I have gotten many excellent and thoughtful questions during these presentations.  Maybe. Just maybe, I've encouraged a few people to think a little bit and to consider things that need considering.  Perhaps they've even learned something new in the process too!

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