Thursday, February 16, 2023

Revisiting Little Things

Sometimes, when I consider a "throwback" post, I am just looking to identify a really good blog post and share it again. Other times, I want to make a decent post better and I do some re-writing.  Then, there are the times, like this one, where I just want to revisit the topic.  That means I might take some of an old post, or none of an old post, but some of the ideas.

Motivations for today's post comes from the moment in time when I decided the rainfall on the car windshield was interesting - so I took a picture of it.

An assigned story that got the brain started

I remember being assigned a short story to read in 9th grade that comes back to visit my brain every so often.  I have no recollection of the title or the author, but I remember the premise.

We follow an individual through a day where they are feeling good and take pleasures in small things, like the feel of feet on the sidewalk on a sunny, pleasant day.  They take advantage of various opportunities to do something nice for others.  Of course, it was nice enough to read, but I was wondering what the point of it was until we arrived at this person's home and they compare notes with their partner.

The partner had taken the opposite approach, taking pleasure in the fact that they probably got someone fired (among other things).  And, the story ends where they agree to switch roles tomorrow....

Let's just say I had some problems with that whole premise.  But, I suspect that was the whole point.

Permission to enjoy the simple or mundane

Aside from the shock value of two people deciding to take turns as to which person gets to play at being nice or not so nice, I actually prefer to think more about the story before the 'big reveal.'   The main character takes notice of and appreciates a series of things that may not seem like that much of a big deal - and it seems to improve this person's happiness.

How often do you (and I) tell ourselves that it is absurd to be pleased with something because it is too simple, too easy, or just not really all that important?  

We probably do this at least as often as we let something small irritate us and make us unhappy.

I tell you what - I hereby grant myself AND you permission to truly enjoy the little things too so we can offset all of the molehills we turn into mountains when we're not happy with what is going on.

For example, I gave myself permission to attempt to take new pictures of Murphy the Nibster yesterday.  Of course, Murphy is a kitten.  And, as such, Murphy is NOT interested in providing photo-ops for the farmer.  I suppose I could have gotten annoyed that I couldn't get the photo I wanted.  Instead, I just enjoyed trying to get ANY picture that was in focus that featured our active feline friend. 

Simply put, I found it amusing.  And my best picture is shown above.... which amuses me even further. 

Some little things I enjoy

I was tempted to title this section "stupid little things," but thought better of it.  Why?  Because, if I do that, I am still not giving myself permission to actually enjoy them without apology.  There is no reason to apologize here!  We can just let ourselves be happy with some little things.  

Don't make it more complicated.  Don't worry about what anyone else thinks.

I gave myself permission during the morning chores on Wednesday to haul the camera out with me and just see what I found.  I am sure some of the photos will cause people to wonder why I would bother -and that doesn't matter.

It was a little thing that made me happy.

Tammy and I got out of the habit of playing a board game nearly every day once we returned from Kauai in early January.  The reasons why don't matter.  What does matter is that we got back into doing this.  Of course, it would be Wingspan that would get our attention first.  The important thing is that we make this time for each other on a regular basis.

Maybe that's a good bit more than a little thing.

Once again, we potted up some geraniums this fall and put them in the living room window.  And, once again, the plants are very healthy and very happy - and the blooms are coming.   It's a little thing, but it makes us happy.

The new speakers still fill the room around me as I work for PAN most days.  I am discovering and rediscovering music.  Sometimes, I let it distract me from that work.  Maybe I let it distract me too often.  But, the happiness I get from good music puts me in the mood to do better (and more) work.  Who says little things can't lead to bigger things?

Tammy brought me a little decorated wood block some time ago that says "What I love about my home is who I share it with."  It sits to the right of my computer screen and I make sure it doesn't get covered by the flood of papers and other stuff that covers my desk area.

Why?  Because it makes me happy to read that she feels this way.

Someone else took the time to tell me they appreciated Postal History Sundays.  Another let me know that some words I wrote meant something to them.  A friend called me because they hadn't heard from me and was concerned about that.  Another asked for my input on something they were doing.   Someone else said that I had done a good job on something.  Another allowed me to explain what was worrying me without putting words in my mouth or interruption.

These things made me feel valued.  Maybe they didn't seem like much, but that's only true if you don't recognize them and acknowledge that they do matter.

I am reminding myself to take these positives and give them all FULL VALUE.  No apologies for the fact that they might not be a "big deal" and I am certainly not sorry to say that each of them made me feel good. 

The little things are going to help us get through the big things.  What little things have made you happy lately?

Have a great Thursday!

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