Friday, April 29, 2022


When you work with words as much as I do, it only seems to come naturally that I also like to play with words.  The good news is that Tammy is ALSO willing to play that game - most of the time.

We took a needed break and stayed away from the farm briefly as we visited the Yellow River State Forest last week.  Sometimes, you just need to get away so you can reset yourself for all of the things you know you need to do.  And, I've noticed that when I get a reset like this, my willingness to play with words seems to go up.

The place we stayed had labels on all of the light switches so you could have a chance to select the correct one for the desired effect.  But, I couldn't help myself.  As soon as I flicked on this particular switch I said, fairly loudly, "I LOOK FABULOUS!"  Then I switched off the light and said, "Oh, never mind."

If you don't get it, let me refer you to the picture that opens the blog one more time.  Read the label.  then re-read the paragraph above.  Still don't get it?  Well, maybe today is not your day to play with words.

Then, there was the tree that ate the direction sign for the snowmobile trail.  

Ok, I fully understand how trees grow around things.  We've got a tree that's growing around an old gate on our farm.  The process started before we even moved here and there really is no reason to work to remove it.  The tree WANTS to absorb that stake and who are we to take it away?

But, still, I am a bit confused by the "how" of this particular situation.  I mean, trees don't just open up their bark and take a bite of things.  It is a slow process.  How did this arrow sign get angled in so that the tree even started to grow around it?  It begs the question, "Does this tree actually have an agenda and it doesn't want us to know what is over in the direction this arrow is pointing?"

And, yes, we also wanted to take a moment and give you all proof that we did take some time to visit Paint Creek.  Here's a farmer selfie. 

And, yes, we were smiling when we took the photo.

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