Saturdays are good days to share music or whatever sort of artistic stuff I feel like sharing - isn't it? Well, if it isn't, you can just tell me that I'm wrong. But, I'm still going to share this time around because... well, no has told me to stop yet.
And I do love music. So...
We've had several tough weeks in a row at the Genuine Faux Farm. When that sort of thing happens, I typically go one of two ways with my music. I either overcompensate for my own lack of energy or try to drown out the negatives with some aggressive, louder tunes OR I find myself listening to a batch of sad songs.
I wonder where this one will go?
I've shared this tune in the past, which might be a clue about how much I like the song. It certainly lands more in the second category without getting TOO sad, if you know what I mean.
Now, when I say "sad" songs, that might actually be a bit of a poor description. Maybe I should have said they are songs that make me reflect and ponder. Like this one:
I do enjoy bands that play with different time signatures other than 4/4 and Tool fits that bill. Add to it interesting references that rarely show up in popular music and tunes that stand up to careful listening as well as casual listening and you have something I can enjoy.
That tune kind of led me to this one.
Now we're kind of on the border between the two types of music that I tend to favor at times like this. When I think of Mortal, I usually classify their music as harder rock to industrial (not that they always stayed in that lane, much to their credit). But, the lyrics are often very interesting and thought provoking. So it fits.
Here's a really nice cover of the Cure's "Boys Don't Cry." I like this take on the tune as it places much more emphasis on the lyric by turning it into a ballad. Now, if you know and really like the Cure's original version, I could understand if you weren't sold on this one.
Scarred for Life - Argyle Park
And here's one that falls into my first category. Turn it up and get lost in the noise if that's your thing. If it's not, feel free to skip listening. Or listen for a couple of notes and move to the next.
Ok. I suppose Bjork may not be everybody's cup of tea either. But, look, I told you that I sometimes find things that are "aggressive." While this tune isn't loud in particular, it is different and calls for your attention if you choose to listen to it. It's this sort of thing that can sometimes drown out whatever is occupying your mind and let you escape for at least as long as the song plays.
When in doubt, fall back on one of your favorite bands - and while you are at it, pick a tune that has some grit, both in the lyrics and sound texture. Yep, that'll work.
While I am at it, I can share some new music from a group that I have enjoyed for a very long time. All I can say is that I have great respect for musicians who can keep being creative for many years. Apparently, King's X is releasing a whole new album in the near future. Something for me to look forward to.
May God Love You (Like You've Never Been Loved) - Over the Rhine
There always needs to be hope, as far as I am concerned, even when I am struggling. So, let's go to some of the best songwriters on the planet and just let the words roll over us.
And, this will tell you something. I'm going to stop this list at nine. On a blog where lists (almost) always go to eleven.
Have a great day and enjoy the music, whether is some of these tunes, or those you select for yourself!
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