Friday, July 29, 2022

Hobnob Makes Her Exit

Some days do not start the way you thought they were going to.  Yesterday started in a way that none of us at the Genuine Faux Farm is very happy about.  It started with the exit of one of our Indoor Farm Supervisors and fine, furry friend, Hobnob.

Perhaps at some point in the future, we'll give Hob her proper send-off in the blog.  But, for now, we're just going to keep on moving.  Because, sometimes, that's all you can do.


  1. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Sorry to hear this

  2. Melanie Hoffner2:08 PM

    I am very sorry to read this sad news. It is never easy when a loved one leaves us. May your memories sustain you through this time of grieving.

  3. I am sorry your kitty is gone.

  4. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Very sad to hear your loss of Hobnob. Warm thoughts, love and care as you grieve and remember your happy times too.

  5. Anonymous12:44 AM

    I am not anonymous. I am Kath.

  6. Our thanks to all who have shared kindness with us. As many know, there are several levels of conflict when you share the loss of a companion animal with others. Part of us says, she was "just" a cat, but when you willingly share space with another sentient being, you will (I hope) come to care for them. So, the loss is real. The other conflict, of course, was whether or not we should have done more to extend her life. Our decision, in the end, was that extending life was more for us and less for her - therefore...


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