Tuesday, July 19, 2022

LilyPalooza 2022 Begins

LilyPalooza at the Genuine Faux Farm has begun in earnest and the sad thing about is - Tammy can't easily get out to enjoy them just yet.  Her mobility on the farm is still restricted, in part due to a faulty wheel on the new "fat wheel" scooter we got so she COULD move around the farm.  Once the wheel arrives, we can hopefully get her out and about to view the pretty things that are showing off their fancy clothing right now.

But, since Tammy can't easily see them by roaming the outdoors, I present these pictures from yesterday's quick walkabout.  It's a win for all of you too.  Because you also get to see these pictures (as long as Tammy is willing to share?).

Enjoy the flowers while they're here as they don't dress up every day of the year.  If you take the time to see them now, you can file away their image in your mind.  And then, when you need something to chase the grey skies away, they'll be right there - waiting for you.


  1. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Beautiful flowers, and I bet you know the name of each of them.

    1. I will say that I used to know the names of each and every one of them. But time has a habit of changing the knowledge that resides in the "immediate recall" portion of our brains. With a little bit of effort, I can probably still pull most of the names out - I think.


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