Saturday, August 27, 2022

Reserved Parking


Because Tammy had surgery on her Achilles tendon, she became the recipient of a temporary tag for handicapped parking.  I know she was less than thrilled to need it, but the truth is - she is in a position where it is necessary.  The good news is that all signs point to her not needing it for long at all.

Typically, the two of us - maybe me more than her - tend to select parking spots that are further away from the entrance of places we go to.  Actually, it's a running joke that I often take a spot that is exactly the furthest from the entrance as you can get.

In any event, we've started noticing things about accessibility more than we have in the past.  Though, to be fair, Tammy frequently works to advocate for issues dealing with access, so this is not entirely new.  But, when you, personally, need a little extra help, you tend to notice it even more!

So, we were down by the Mississippi River almost two weeks ago now.  There was a road to a boat ramp that we decided to explore.  And, sure enough, there was a sign pointing to handicap access parking....... sort of?

This sign must have been rotated because it was pointing right at the water.

Hey!  Hey you!  If you've got a handicap parking tag you can just drive your vehicle RIGHT INTO THE WATER.  Then you'll have the easiest access possible to the Mighty Mississippi!  

Yessir!  Pull right in and float on out.  Make sure you got your waterwings inflated and your swimsuit on.

And... oh.  Yeah.  Your vehicle should probably be disposable too.

Have a nice weekend everyone!

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