Friday, September 23, 2022

Giving Gifts


There is one person in particular (other than myself) who must carry much of the burden of hearing my unedited self.  This person often hears the words that escape my lips before I recapture them and turn them over a time or two before either reconsidering their worth or giving them the freedom of my voice or the recognition of their appearance on paper or electronic screen.

You see, when you read things on this blog, they have been considered.  They have been prodded and poked.  They have been filtered and sorted.  And many, many more words have been rejected as well.  

There are far more words on the editing floor than there ever will be in the blog posts or other writings I have produced or ever will produce in my lifetime.

And, even with all of that process, words and thoughts are expressed that I am sometimes less than proud of having, much less sharing.  Which makes me consider all of the words on the "cutting room floor" and those times when the editing machine is broken, or unplugged, or otherwise ignored.

So, in honor of a personal anniversary, I offer the gift of gratitude to all who are willing to deal with my unedited self.  But, in particular, I honor Tammy, my partner in life, who hears me the most when I am less than my best.

For the willingness to share in the process of refining and editing the words and the thoughts, I give thanks and gratitude.  That's a gift I continue to treasure.

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