I have the advantage that I can (and do) read weather forecasts and view various weather maps. I also have some experience with being outdoors at our farm and seeing all kinds of weather rolling in. So, with the knowledge that there was going to be a fairly big change from hot, humid conditions to much cooler, drier air, I knew there might be something up with Friday's weather.
As the day rolled on, I could feel the energy. I saw clouds that told me something could certainly come of it starting at about 1 PM in the afternoon. And, I let Tammy know we needed to watch for things coming out of the west as the day progressed from there.
I started the day alert for the possibility. Then as I saw the signs that severe weather was going to be likely in our area develop, I got downright jittery.
The good news for us? Well, the gravel road in this picture heads straight west. Most of the nasty is to the left (South), so we got the edge of the front line of storms and then a nice downpour followed a bit after that. Even better for us, more nasty weather broke to our North as well. We got about an inch and a half of rain and maybe some tiny bits of hail - but that's it.
Still, it was an impressive storm as it went over. Things were dark enough at 6:45 PM that our solar lights decided it was time to switch on.
Apparently a funnel cloud was spotted to the south of us maybe eight to ten miles away. Close, yet so far away. We even saw what looked like a little spin-up to our East after the squall front passed. Nothing serious, but certainly an indication of unstable air as Mother Nature looked to sweep some of the hot and soupy air away from us for awhile.
And maybe the farmer can get over the jitters.
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