Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Farm errata

It may be a while before our next newsletter for the farm comes out. So, here's a farm newsy type of post.

  • We are currently at 96 shares for the season. Our goal? 100.
  • We still have openings in Waverly and on farm pickup slots
  • We have no more single shares left, only standard and large.
  • You can be put on a wait list in case something changes - and there's lots of time for that to happen.
  • If the season shows strength we may open some 2nd half season shares.
Growing Things
  • Seed orders have been placed and we have received 2 of the 4 orders
  • New equipment for the farm has arrived - we are adding a 2nd wheel hoe and soil block makers.
  • There are onion seedings on our starting shelves that have sprouted. It has begun.
Running Around Like A...
  • The hens continue to do reasonably well and are happily getting more time out in the field
  • It looks like we will be involved in a PFI cooperator's trial for checking out some poultry breeds for free range birds
  • Our first flock of meat chickens may be 200 strong. We anticipate only 2 batches this year.
  • We will be trying some Bourbon Red turkeys with our Broad Breasted Bronzes this year.
  • There will be ducks.
Other farm stuff
  • We're getting sick of the raccoons - they are very active at this time.
  • We enjoyed the Organic Farming Conference in LaCrosse
  • R is NOT enjoying finally succumbing to the head cold that is going around.
  • T will vouch for the fact that R is not worth much when he's sick
  • The pork buy is moving forward - with piggies going to processor Mar 10
  • The book buys look like a go. The A to Z cookbooks were purchased at the conference. We had a favorable response from the publisher of the storing book.
  • The snow drifts were deep enough around some of our lettuce covers that they were crushed....oops.
  • Our organic certification materials have been mailed to IDALS - well in advance of the deadline! Hey, that's a big deal - so don't laugh (too hard)


  1. I am sooooooooo excited for CSA action, especially of the deep green leafy variety!

  2. I agree with Cyn!! And since I'll be in Wav-town for 1/3 of the summer I'm totally psyched to get my faux farm fix. CA CSAs can't even compete.

  3. Ya, the produce in CA doesn't have to struggle with inclement weather as much.

    THEREFORE....our produce tastes better. Adversity breeds...ahem...good food.


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