Thursday, September 20, 2012

Upcoming Events

A very direct news post (how terribly rare!)

Waverly Farmers Market
     200 block of 1st Ave SE.  From 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM on Saturday, Sept 22.  We will be there.  Please come visit us.  We will have tomatoes - probably lots and lots of them.  We should have some kale and cabbage.  We will pick whatever we have of summer squash and zucchini (low temp of 30 forecast for Sat night).

Tom Sawyer Day with Food
     Saturday, Sep 22.  2pm to 5pm (or so).  We anticipate feeding workers - but we need an RSVP so we know who is coming.  Plan is to harvest dry beans.  If we get enough workers we will do some other things (like pull the cucumber vines out). 

Ducks Go To Park
  Monday, Sep 24 - available to you Wednesday, Sep 26.  Time to reserve the birds.  Price is $6.75/lb - same as last year. 

Sign Up for 2013
  We'll make it easy for you if you are a CSA member.  We'll have a list at the distribution.  You check off that you want to join for 2013 and make a $25 deposit.  then you have a spot reserved.  If you are not a CSA member, we'll have material for you to fill out and reserve a spot if you wish.
   Sign up for next year will begin next week and go until we have filled all slots.

GF7 - Genuine Faux Farm Fall Festival and Fetid Fruit Fling
  Our fall festival is Saturday, October 6.  Mark the date on your calendar.  More details as we get closer.

Final Farm Share CSA Week
  Week 20 falls on the week of October 14.  So, the last scheduled delivery dates are as follows:
Waverly, Oct 16.  Tripoli, Oct 17. Cedar Falls, Oct 18.

Extended Fall Season CSA
   We are still working on how this will work this season.  Events this year threw a wrench into the works and we're still trying to figure it out.  There will be something, interested persons, please be patient and keep an eye out for details.

Turkeys To the Park
   I believe they are scheduled to go at the end of October.  It would not hurt to reserve your bird at this time.  Price is $3.75/lb.

1 comment:

  1. Tammy Faux11:21 AM

    Park day for the turks is Friday Oct 26th. We hope to get as many as possible to people later that afternoon. Tammy


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