Saturday, February 12, 2022

GFF Guardians

I mentioned in one of our "Faux Real Stories" about the Depths of the Tomato Forest, that we had a cohort of Guardian Dragons at the Genuine Faux Farm.  And, in that story, I showed a picture of one of the members of our Guardian Dragon Team.  Some people, who shall remain nameless, suggested that the dragon photo I shared depicted a fellow who was a bit less than intimidating.

Since then, I have fielded complaints from our Guardian Dragon Team that they feel like they were misrepresented.  This is an attempt to make amends - before they turn me into a pile of ash.

Our team of guardians at the farm have a very diverse set of talents, protecting against a wide range of threats that might be brought to bear on the farm, the farmers, or any other welcomed living being that might reside here - temporarily or otherwise.

Some of our dragons have a fiercer nature and are quite willing to avoid confrontation by simply frightening the threat away.  But, do not underestimate them.  If you push them, they could be formidable.

There are others that protect us from a breeze through the windows that just might take important papers away from the desired location.  They prevent us from forgetting some of the things we enjoy in life - like baseball and being outside.  This little friend (shown below) has been winding up to throw a pitch for several years on my desk.  He has yet to let it fly, but when he does, I hope to be ready.

Some of the Guardian Dragon Team appear to be nonthreatening to you and I.  That is actually the appointed task of some.  They have a different set of opponents.  Their foes are feelings of loneliness and despair.  Take a look at that face...

Doesn't the site of it make you feel a little bit better?

Others have talents that aren't readily determined - and that might be part of the point.  Which dragon is in charge at any given point in time?  I really do not know myself.  But, I have determined that at least one of them is primarily in charge of communications and detection of intrusion.

Which is it?  I suspect I'll never know.

Are they clever?  Hiding behind an unassuming exterior?  Does a brilliant mind lurk behind a fuzzy face, puppy dog ears and colorful wings?

Or is it this dragon?  Always appearing to be the alarmist in the group.  Does this dragon only serve a purpose to warn opponents away before they even begin to threaten?  Or does it constantly alert us to the noise it makes just to let one of its team members sneak up on you?

And, if a member of the Guardian Dragon Team were to sneak up on you, would it not be perfect if it were only an inch tall, with coloring that allowed it to blend into the woodwork?

The Genuine Faux Farm does have a fine group of protectors and we are proud of the work they do.  And, perhaps, they'll forgive the farmer for neglecting so long in giving them their due.


  1. You have your team of dragons for protection. I have a team of trolls.

    1. And I suspect the trolls operate under many of the same principles. But, we shouldn't share too many of our observations lest their systems be discovered and circumvented!


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