Saturday, January 22, 2022

Looking for Yellow Cars

I like to take pictures of nature and I like the challenge of trying to find a way to frame a picture so whatever I am observing looks its very best with the arbitrary borders a photo places on it.  I recognize that I am an amateur amateur photographer (I rely far too much on the automatic settings to make any other claim).

On the other hand, I thoroughly enjoy the work of Kip Ladage, which you can also enjoy by visiting Kip's Picture A Day.  However, since I work with words a bit more, I also like to hear what Kip has to say in Kip's Comments, which are often driven by some of the subject material in his photos.

On January 19, Kip noted that a friend of his had posted a meme that has gone around in social media a few times that starts with:

Easy to spot a yellow car when you are always thinking of a yellow car.

Kid addended this with:

Easy to see nature's beauty even when the extremes challenge your senses.  You can hide from it or you can embrace it.  You have a choice.

His photo was taken in a ditch by the road out by Sweets Marsh.  Ditches are pretty much overlooked by all of us   Ditches are often mistreated and pretty ugly.  Ditches are the last place you might look to take a photograph of nature.

And Kip's picture is beautiful.

The original meme is trying to make the point that if we are always thinking about something, we will always find it.  So, if we make bad choices about what we dwell on, it can lead to, potentially, bad things.  Kip took it the other way.  If we're looking for good things - like the beauty of nature - we can find them - even if it's just a ditch.

Well, Kip.  The amateur, amateur finds beauty in odd places too.  The picture above is ALSO a ditch, right next to a road.  Move the borders of the picture a bit and the focus on the beautiful things can be lost.

While it is important to me that I be aware of the whole picture and the whole truth - I, too, like to amplify and embrace the beauty of this world when I see it.  And, if it takes selecting the boundaries and moving them around so you see that beauty too?  I can do that.

Have a good weekend everyone!

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