Friday, June 24, 2022

Let It Go

There have been many very nice people asking how we're doing at the Genuine Faux Farm - many of whom are aware that Tammy underwent surgery to repair an Achilles tendon last Thursday.  Today, we get to go see the surgeon so they can unwrap that foot and get a first glimpse to how things are healing.  

Cutting right to the chase, things appear to be improving on a daily basis.  For example, Tammy is getting.... a little stir crazy.

Well, that doesn't quite cover it.  But, it is good enough to make the point.  Her brain is clear enough now to register that she wants to be doing things.  But, there is still some post-surgical fog that manifests when she tries to concentrate for longer periods of time.  Yes, she tried to attend an online training session yesterday - and yes, it was a struggle.

And, of course, the farm is not the most friendly space for moving to and fro when you can't put any weight on one leg.

Needless to say, with one person down and the other one (Rob/me) doing his level best to help in any/every way possible, there have had to be some letting go going on.  

One of those things we've had to let go has been the Genuine Faux Farm blog.  There just isn't time nor is there any energy to do much with it.  We'll see how much this gets picked up in the next few weeks.  It depends on everything from the weather to how much sleep I get each night.  So, we'll just leave you with this:

We appreciate all of the good thoughts sent our way.  We are overwhelmed by the offers to help and the many kindnesses we have received.  Both of us are tired.  Both of us would like to get this over with.

And both of us are optimistic that the future is actually looking bright and that Tammy's foot is healing so that she can walk again without pain - something she hasn't done for a couple of years now.

All in all, we're doing pretty well as long as you adjust for circumstances.  As long as we allow ourselves to let some things go - and not allow ourselves to feel bad about it - we'll be just fine.  And I'll blog when the spirit moves me or I won't because it I'm too tired to move.


  1. So many good wishes and thoughts being sent for healing and patience in all places.

    1. Thank you! The healing continues to progress, but the patience is - as is often the case about this stage - beginning to wear thin. The light at the end of the tunnel is a bit bigger than a pinprick now, so we'll take it as a positive.

  2. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Wise words that I will have to take to heart as I, too, heal. Thanks for the reminder


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