Friday, May 12, 2023

A World Gone Sideways

I went outside to do chores with Tammy on Thursday morning, which was nothing new.  The fact that I took the camera out and tried to get some photos of the beautiful flowers on the farm was not unique either. Still everything felt a bit off to me, as if the whole world had gone a bit sideways while I wasn't looking, and my mind, body, and soul were trying to figure out what to do to balance it all out.

Tammy tested positive for Covid last week after feeling very run down with a headache and muscle aches and we were hopeful that I could care for things (and Tammy) while she fought her way through it.  Unfortunately, my immune system didn't keep me completely in the clear either, so I've been given the opportunity to take my own Covid journey since Sunday last.

Both of us managed to "get in under the wire" as far as the national Public Health Emerency Declaration ended May 11th (yesterday).  I say this as if this were a goal of ours to not be left out of the "fun."  In reality, I think both of us are a bit upset that we would keep the Covid wolf away for three plus years, only to succumb now.

I actually got myself down, close to the ground for this picture - something I could typically do without thinking on a normal day.  My body protested the action as my head started pounding and the world felt like it was a little off kilter.  I managed to get back onto one knee and stayed there for a while until everything stabilized.... such has been the way of things for the past few days.  How silly does it sound to say that a picture of dandelions wore me out and I had to quit the photo collection session after that?

I have been finding the world outside to be a surreal landscape as it has rapidly added lush greens.  Even the baby Oak leaves are visible!  Spring can really surprise you with how fast everything changes when you are able to be out in it and paying attention every day.  But, when your perception's a bit skewed because you aren't feeling well, the changes can be dramatic and not quite real.  Sometimes it seemed like it was one of the those softly blurred images where your mind and your eyes feel like if you blinked one more time, it would all clear up.

The two of us have managed to find ways to get the poultry chores done and the seedlings have gotten their water.  The cats are all cared for and we, the two farmers, are doing what we can to help each other.  But, all of the things we must do to get things planted are not getting done.  It's a harsh reality, but the success of our farm relies on the two of us taking recovery seriously so we can actually hope to catch back up.

Still, the journey has not been without some humor.  

We live in an old, two-story, farm house.  Our bedroom is upstairs and we were downstairs.  Both of us were preparing to head up and stood near the base of the stairs - each of us was about the same distance away.  Tammy looked over at me and said, "Go ahead...."

Instead of responding, I simply started to laugh.  Then she started to laugh.  Then I started coughing.  And she started coughing.

If you don't understand the laughter, you need to consider that one of the common symptoms we have been experiencing is an exhaustion that comes in waves.  Tammy was offering that I should go first because the stairs were looking a bit daunting to her at that moment.  I started laughing because I was about to offer that she should go first... for the same reason.

So, instead of toughing it out and climbing up the stairs, we wasted whatever energy we might have had for the task by giggling and coughing for a bit.  It probably wouldn't have been this funny with anybody else.  Ain't love grand?

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