Saturday, May 13, 2023

Best Medicine

As Tammy and I continue our slow recoveries, we are doing our level best to avail ourselves of some of the excellent medicine that we can find around the Genuine Faux Farm.  For example, there is a kitten named Murphy.  Kittens are excellent medicine if you are ailing UNLESS said kitten wants to walk where you are walking AND you are not feeling at all well.  But, other than that, a purring kitten can do wonders.

Of course, flowers and sunshine and a gentle breeze can all have a positive impact too.  Even Friday's gentle rain has healing qualities.

But, we were reminded of the "best medicine" after we told the story of the two of us standing at the bottom of the stairs, hoping the other would go up first... because neither of us had the energy to tackle them at that moment.

After you.  Oh no, after you.  Hee hee hee.  Cough cough cough.

That encouraged me to find a couple of things to promote laughter - and this one fit the bill.  It did more than elicit a chuckle.  

 I hope you got a few laughs if you decided to view it.  I know we did.  Have an excellent remainder of your day.

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