Thursday, August 31, 2023

Special Request Playlist


It's not a Saturday.  We've already done an August playlist.  But, I got a special request for some more instrumental music - especially if they feature cellos and stringed instruments.

Ok, Mom!  Here you go.  I'm not going to do much writing this time, I'm just going to share the music.  I hope you all enjoy a few of these.  Like most all of my music lists on the blog, this one will go to eleven.

Cello Fury - Pins and Needles

Dave Beegle - Big Fish Rhumba

The music begins at the 1 minute mark.

Future of Forestry - Union

Iona - The Island

Apocalyptica - Romance

George Winston - Riders on the Storm

Black Violin - Nimrod

Yoyo Ma, Stuart Duncan, Edgar Meyer & Chris Thile -  Scarcely Cricket

2Cellos - Celloverse

Aaron Sprinkle - Sprung

Rhiannon Giddens - He Will See You Through

There you are, eleven songs - only one is not an instrumental.

May you find music that you enjoy wherever you are.

1 comment:

  1. Big Fish Rhumba - oh my yes! What an interesting play list!


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