Wednesday, July 21, 2010

What did you do today?

I was asked recently by a person who does not know me all that well...

What have you been up to today?

As most people who DO know the two of us, you know this is a DANGEROUS QUESTION!

And this got me to thinking... which is a DANGEROUS PASTIME!

So, what did we do today? This is, of course, the 'royal we' that includes Tammy, myself, Denis, Anden, Dad Faux and Sally. Yep, had a crew for parts of the day!

  • weeded 150 feet of beans and 200 feet of potatoes
  • weeded 250 feet of lettuce
  • weeded 300 feet of peppers
  • cultivated all of the above
  • hay mulched 120 feet of space between tomatoes
  • hay mulched some potatoes
  • mowed down areas between tomatoes
  • mowed large areas of ground to gather mulch so we could
  • mulch beans, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers
  • picked up 135 processed chickens from Martzahn's in Greene
  • moved items from one freezer to another so we could put the chickens in a freezer
  • washed all the coolers and containers used for yesterdays CSA and the chickens
  • weed whipped an area around wood we need to clean up
  • put a door knob on the door to the poultry palace
  • cut a new hole for turkeys to leave the poultry palace and go to their pasture
  • picked 29 lbs of beans
  • picked 276 onions
  • planted 60 feet of Brussels, 360 feet of broccoli, 60 feet of cauliflower and 120 feet of cabbage
  • watered trays of seedlings
  • did a couple loads of laundry because
  • Rob went through three shirts today
  • moved exclusion we forgot to put them back. Looks like a task to do in the rain tomorrow.
  • Fed and watered critters.
  • Closed doors on critters before dark.
  • Opened up/Closed up the high tunnel & cold frames
  • Made lunch for 5 people
  • Sent out a CSA email
  • Made a quick seed order
  • Made a quick seed tray order
  • Began balancing the checkbook
  • typed a blog post and...
Ran out of steam.

See you all tomorrow!

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