Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Looking for Poultry Buyers this Fall

We have poultry available for reservation and purchase.

Ducks - we still have ducks available.  They are now frozen and can be delivered once we arrange a time with you.  Cost is $6.75/lb.  Size of birds is 4lb to 8.5lbs.  This cost is 25 cents/lb higher than prior years due to increased costs.  However, you will find that this price is competitive with other prices.  AND, these were day-ranged and fed organic feed and organic produce.  We'd really like to get these birds moved.

Broilers (chickens) - our fall flock will go to the "park" Oct 9 and we will pick them up Oct 10.  Cost is $3.25/lb.  We are pleased with how this batch looks and they remind us alot of how the Spring batch grew for us.  We are willing to deliver birds starting on the 10th (even before they are frozen).  This flock is about 200 birds and most are still available.

Turkeys - The turkeys go to the park on October 28 and are picked up on the same day.  We like to deliver as many as we can on that day (unfrozen) because we just don't have the space for all of them (and the locker space is limited due to deer season).  Cost is $4.00/lb.  Again, this is a slight increase to cover feed, chick and processing cost increases.  There are approximately 50 birds available.

Send us an email today at to reserve your birds.

Rob & Tammy

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