Monday, April 9, 2018

Winter Wonderland

I've noticed that there are a number of people who are letting themselves get a bit on the grumpy side with the cold weather and the snow.  I wonder if they've taken a look at how nice everything looks out there right now?

First step outside of our door.
I realize that everyone is anxious for Spring.  I also fully understand that there are many (ourselves included) that are finding our work to be a bit more difficult with this weather.  But, I am finding myself getting amused with how 'up in arms' everyone is about this "LATE" snow on April 9th of this year.

Out of curiosity, I randomly chose to go to the weather history for April 9th of a different year (2009) and I noticed that there was mention of snowfall in April.  A quick look found this.   4.3" of the white stuff on April 5, 2009.  Or, dare I remind you of May 2013 again?
Besides, did I mention that it was kinda pretty?
 To put you in the mood, how about a little Bing Crosby:

I'll grant you that snow makes farm chores a bit more difficult.  The cold weather has really put a crimp on our getting an early start on any of our veggie crops.  They really are just holding on in the high tunnels right now - not much incentive to grow.  But, we didn't get much snow during the period that we would normally associate with snow.  So, forgive me if I actually take a moment to enjoy the short-lived beauty.

Hey, that looks kinda.. um... pretty.
Underneath all of that snow is brown grass and black mud.  We will see that soon enough as the temperatures jump past the "averages" and beyond over the next week.  Oh, don't worry, we'll come back down.  April in Iowa is always a roller coaster.  We can at least agree that temperature swings would be normal.

Besides, I still think... oh, you got the point?  Never mind.
And, seriously, it isn't going to be long before we see signs of Spring other than robins huddled around the crab apple trees in town - desperately pecking away at the dried fruit.

Here is a picture from the farm from April 16 last year.  See!  Green grass! 

And April 9 two years ago.  See!  Gree....  um.  No.  Skip that one.

Here - April 27 from two years ago.

Spring is on the way - hang in there!

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