Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Miscellaneous Farm Stuff

The perennial wildflower area in one of our gardens is looking very nice right now. This picture is a couple of weeks old and pre "peak" - but it is still quite nice.

Just to prove to everyone that we DID finish our roof on one of our outbuildings - here it is. I get the feeling that my work is no where near done on the rest of the building, however.

We're starting to pick tomatoes. Here is a sample of some heirloom tomatoes picked on our farm in late August last year. We're starting to see some variety in what we can pick. It adds time to the picking - but the tastes are sure worth it.

And, in case you have forgotten. This is what our cucumbers looked like last year. Picture was late August - at a point when either the plants should be sprawling EVERYWHERE or there should be evidence of very large vines having just completed the cycle. Nope. This year doesn't look great for our cucumbers - but it makes this look even more pathetic... Ah, the difference a year can make.

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