Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Uh oh! Out of Posts!

The storehouse of posts that I could either quickly edit (to make them look more timely - oops, I shouldn't divulge my secrets!) or were 'timeless' in their very depleted.

When in doubt - give a quick farm report!

Water! *gasp*: It's gotten dry out here and the ground is quite hard in places. So, a little rain would certainly be nice. things aren't showing too much stress as of yet, so we have time. In many cases, it doesn't matter so much anymore....

Eggplant for everyone: the eggplant are entering peak week right now. And, the peak is similar to what we expect from prior years. the peak is about 10 days behind normal, but that's not a big issue. We're especially happy to see some of our varieties such as Pintung Long, Casper and Rosa Bianca entering into the festivities.

Lettuce: The current crop is peaking a bit faster than we wanted with the warmer/dryer weather. But, it looks great and has very good taste. We are transplanting the newest crop into the ground this week.

Summer Squash/Zucchini: I keep wanting to call the season done on these - but they keep plugging along. Not in amounts that overwhelm, but enough to keep putting them in CSA shares. Can't really complain. However - warning to everyone. We put in a late crop in hopes of getting some fresh summer squash/zucchini at the tail end of the season. We knew it was a stretch - but this weather has encouraged those plants. If we can get through some of the cool nights coming up next week.....

Tomatoes: The peak has lasted a bit longer than expected, but I suspect there may be a rapid decline in what we can get to everyone in the next week. There may be some surprises, but we're not holding our collective breath on this. The purple/black tomatoes are already done. typical for them - but they are worth the efforts. The yellows, per the norm will go longer than most. the standard reds may be the surprise. We shall see. Cherry tomatoes are mostly done due to late blight. Ah well.

Green beans: They keep going. We'll try and keep them picked, but we're not sure how much longer we can keep up.

Peppers: Excellent peppers coming in right now. We're trying to give the CSA some nice variability from distribution to distribution. One constant is likely the Jimmy Nardello's Frying Pepper - those produce enough for us to include them nearly every week for a time. Hot peppers are producing reasonably well, so they should show up for another few weeks (barring a surprise hard frost).

Arugula & radish: are being seeded this week. Just about right for the last couple weeks of distribution in October!

Pok Choi: just transplanted. These should be ready in mid/late October.

Basil: We'll keep trying to get it to you as long as it lasts. Light frosts typically end the basil season.

Okra: Yes, these are starting to produce. They will stop abruptly when night time temps get to 36 degrees. Unless the microclimate they are in protects them...

Potatoes: Still have to dig the All Blues and German Butterballs. (about 480 row feet). Rain would help because the soil has gotten VERY hard. Thanks to Denis for hard work digging taters!

Garlic: Will start showing up in shares this Thursday.

Turnips: Will also begin on Thursday. We may have to rotate distribution depending on speed these bulb out.


  1. Is bok choi an over winter crop or is the August a typo?

  2. Indeed. This is just a good illustration of how time warps on the farm.

    the intended month to be typed was October. I shall change it.


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