Wednesday, January 30, 2013

News Shorts

Let me there is too much.

Let me sum up.

CSA Shares Available
We do have CSA shares available at this time.  Feel free to contact us.  We are at the stage where you can reserve a spot by emailing us with the following information:
  • pickup location desired (Cedar Falls, Waverly, Tripoli)
  • size of share (large, standard)  note- you may change this later if needed.
  • contact information (name, mailing address, preferred email and phone)
Farm Promotion in February
We are targeting February as our CSA and farm promotion period to try to fill up the CSA and deal with any other interest that we might be able to fill during the growing season.  We will be printing posters and brochures.  If you have a place you with to put a poster or if you have someone in mind for a brochure, let us know.

Plant Orders
For those who grow their own, we will be starting plants again this year.  It does help us if you let us know if there is something special you really want us to have for you.  For example, we are willing to start winter squash, pumpkins, broccoli (and other brassicae), tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, lettuce, spices and other items.  But, if you want to be sure that we start some of these items, it helps to hear from you.  Otherwise, we will either guess wrong - or we will guess that no one wants certain things.

Spring Extended Season
We plan on having an extended Spring season share this year.  We are thinking about 20-30 slots.  If you have interest, please contact us.

Chickens, Turkeys and Ducks
We need to schedule our flocks for the season.  If you have opinions about what we raise and when, this is a good time to voice those opinions.

We do still have potatoes in our storage that are available for sale.  If interested, please contact us.  There are a couple of pie pumpkins as well.

Work on the Farm
At this point, it looks like we will only have returning workers in May.  Otherwise, we will be looking at a whole new slate for 2013.  Interested persons should contact us.

Labor 4 Learning
GFF was one of ten farms selected for the Practical Farmers of Iowa, Labor 4 Learning program.  The program encourages people who want to learn more about farming to apply as a worker on one of the ten farms.  In addition to working on the farm and gaining experience doing, there will be additional effort made to teach the learner more about the financial and business sides of the farm.

SARE Grants
The Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (SARE) funded our two year project to work on intercop spacing while integrating mechanization into a small vegetable operation.  We are finishing our report for this project, have presented results at the Small Farm Conference in Missouri and as a poster at the Practical Farmers of Iowa conference.  It looks like some of our information may be part of a web magazine on growing as well.  We have also submitted a new grant proposal involving paper mulch and intercropping.  If there is someone out there who would like to work on the farm with us and do a little data collecting, etc, now is the time to tell us.

Stay tuned, we'll have a part II to this post in a week!

1 comment:

  1. Shoot us an email on the spring share on what it costs and what goodies would be in it.


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