Tuesday, December 30, 2008


There are lots of strange things in this world and, wanting to post a blog but not really being sure what to say is one of those things. Maybe "odd" would be better? There have been a few happenings recently at GFF that also could fit in the "odd" or "strange" category. Or, maybe not so much "strange" as "unusual" or even just "new" (which is its own version of "strange").
  • While not "high speed", we've graduated from dial-up Internet to a wireless card. COOL! Cartoons load somewhat faster and the radar images that say "yes, it is snowing" are showing up faster. But, the best part of this "strangeness" is there are now NO cords running across the floor (up the wall, across the ceiling, up the stairs, across the floor again)
  • We get asked a lot "what do you do when its not farming season". Answers vary, but let us reassure you that it is always farming season. There are just periods of time when the farming work is more indoors than out - hunting through catalogs, redesigning the veggie, plots etc. All of this tends to be done indoors rather than outdoors. Being inside in a drafty old farm house can be, well, drafty. This brings me to the next "strange" event. We got the windows! And, best of all - one is in. That in itself could be a bit strange. In this case, strange is good. Very good. Aside from the window itself, there was no major rot to content with. Strange (and really good!).
  • Strange weather. This is the first time for most of December that we've had two days in a row without precip. I think I am having storm withdrawal. Though, trying to walk across our nature-created skating rink (aka driveway) is about all the adrenalin boost needed...
  • Speaking of weather... It is strange to be in IA this time of year. Looking back, we had six years in a row of being on a beach in FL, some years sunny and nice, some years we actually had frost in FL. This year, we are here (and it has been in the mid or upper 70's all week down there!). We have no New Year's traditions in IA, so, more strangeness as we look around to see if we celebrate the New Year with others or with our chickens.
Here's hoping that 2009 is a year of both more strangeness (of a good kind) and less strangeness (of a stressful, scary world, kind).



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