Saturday, October 30, 2021

Trending (at the farm)

And for today's post we're just going to see what sorts of things are trending with the farmers right now!  Without further ado and whole lotta todo - here we go!

Some Music We Are Currently Enjoying

It's not a new album to me, but it has been a long-time favorite.  In fact, there is a bit of a story to this particular album.  I have enjoyed the 77's since a time prior to meeting Tammy, my lovely bride.  Initially, she was not enamored with their music and I had to ask permission to put them on if we were listening to music together.  

That all changed when Sticks and Stones came out.  It all started with a trip on a cold October night...and this song.

Something I Look Forward to Trying

Our old digital camera has done its duty over the years for us, but it was beginning to show its age.  That makes me sort of sad, because I really prefer to not discard things and I like to get full use when I can.  But, Tammy finally convinced me we could (and should) consider a new camera.

I am by no means I photographer, I merely play a bit with the camera.  But, some of the things I have tried to do in the past are much more possible than they once were.  Things like a photo that includes the full moon.

The picture above was just one of those "I want to try it NOW" sorts of things.  I'd say prognosis that I'll get a picture or two I like is good... someday.

A Book I Hope to Re-Read Soon

I used to re-read the Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien every year and I have not done so for... well... far too long now.  I recognize that part of this is because my prior tradition was to read the trilogy every summer.  That worked when I was in academia.  But, once I started farming?  New tradition, I'll read it this December.  How does that sound?

The picture above is by John Howe, one of the artists who is credited with some wonderful artwork portraying the world created by Mr. Tolkien.  I find the picture above of a Hobbit dwelling to be relaxing, for some reason.

A Game We ...

No.  Still nothing new here.  We're still playing Wingspan. The cards are starting to show their wear and tear now, but the game sits out, ready to play each day if we are so inclined....   But, we were just introduced to a couple of games that might just catch our imagination.  Will we stop playing Wingspan?  Probably not.  But, maybe it's time to try a different... no? 

Food We Are Liking Right Now

I think Tammy will agree, but I have been enjoying the buttercup squash and the blue and red potatoes.   It's getting colder outside, so some of these 'comfort' foods that are best served warm are moving up the list.

Of course, we're also enjoying some of our turkey and a little broccoli in the meal shown above.  It's all about as local as you can get.  The milk and butter are from Hansen's (Hudson, IA) and the rest is from our farm.  We'll call it a win.

A Picture We Both Enjoy
It's one of our favorite places on this beautiful Earth we inhabit.  So, of course, we have a whole bunch of pictures of Waimea Canyon.  I'll just grab one and that will work just fine, thank you.

An Accomplishment We Are Really Hoping to Achieve
This one is actually pretty unfair because there is always so much we want to do and need to do.

The Woolly Bear caterpillar is often a harbinger of colder months ahead.  Some say a longer red band means we'll have a rougher winter and some say a shorter red band means we'll have a rougher winter.  Yes, you read that right.  It seems that both mean we'll have a rougher winter.  I gave up on weather severity predictions based on this particular critter a long time ago.

Whatever.  Every year, we get to about Thanksgiving and that's when the really cold weather starts.  The ground freezes and Mother Nature makes her announcement that we really should have accomplished all of those "before it gets to cold" things a few weeks ago.

I would like to accomplish the feeling that I did pretty well getting ready for that moment this year.  Will it happen?  Tune in about November 20 and find out.

A Book I am Taking the Time to Read Slowly

Some books grab you and take you on a journey where you quickly decide you won't put it down until it is done.  That sort of book encourages you to plow through, dashing from moment to moment until the last page is turned and you breathe a sigh of happy relief (and you notice that you've done nothing for the past day other than read).
This is NOT that type of book.  This is a book where you don't want to miss things, so you take it in stages, making sure you are ready to enjoy what you are reading... and how it reads.  To rush through this one would be to miss the real joy of it.  

Something Tammy Did That I Appreciate

I simply mentioned the fact that many of the shirts and hoodies I wear frequently were showing... um.... some wear.  I believe I ended that with, I should probably look into getting a few new ones some day.

What should appear soon thereafter?  A few new shirts and a couple of new hoodies.

Tammy's pretty neat.  I think I'll ask her to marry me.

Think she'll say yes?

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