The farm news -
- Yesterday's winds were extremely strong out at the farm. We estimate consistent winds of 40 mph and gusts from 45-50mph out here. No wind gauge, so we can't be certain. Our cold frames were pretty well beaten up, along with many of our plants. We are now working to correct the problem as best we can with the time we have. Every year, we have an event along these lines. And, every year, we think we've taken some steps. It looks like this Spring we are going to have to just 'bite the bullet' and do some construction projects that never quite get done because we feel we don't have the resources to complete them. So - stay tuned for more. The plant losses can be dealt with. We lost some tomatoes, we lost some brassica and some lettuce. So, some of our succession plantings won't happen and we may have to substitute for a couple of varieties. Nothing major - but it sure can feel like it when you're dealing with it!
The Blog Blitz -
We admit that we have fallen down on the job of writing for the blog and producing newsletters of late. It is a little like exercise. If you quit for a while, it can be hard to re establish the routine. However, we still believe it is important to communicate with others what goes on with our farm - so, we are attempting to crank up our efforts on BOTH the blog and our newsletter in conjunction with the increasing and expanding farm work.
It probably seems a bit odd to add effort to effort. But....
The blog provides us with a place to record events on the farm and reflect on them. It serves to communicate with our CSA members and other farm customers. It also provides us with a place to analyze how the season is going and think about what we should do next or should not do in the future. It also provides us with a record of events that we can refer to later when needed.
In fact, the blog can be very useful to us in the Winter time when we are trying to figure out how the year went, where we went wrong and (hopefully) where we went right.
So, here's hoping you get some interesting reading and we get some useful writing done this season.
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