Thursday, May 20, 2010

That's ALOT of pots

It's a short post, but it tells you something about the farm.

We have completed the transplant of tomatoes from tray inserts to individual pots. T does most of the potting and I am support staff for that effort. Thanks also goes out to those who provided some time putting these little guys into pots as well - you know who you are!

Potted were 1750 tomatoes.
Of those tomatoes:
  • 514 will go into production on our farm
  • 120 are at K&K Gardens in Hawkeye. Go visit them!
  • 36 are at Roots. Go visit them!
  • 129 are at Shamrock Acres. Hope they grow well!
  • 60 are already at individual homes via farmers' market sales. We spoke with them prior to sale and they know what to do.
  • 51 more are spoken for and we are training them for their future homes.
  • 65 were lost due to wind or other issues
This leaves us with 785 tomatoes looking for homes. Want some?

1 comment:

  1. I may be interested if I can't get the ones I am trying to raise to perk up a bit. I am hoping to have more tomatoes to can or freeze this year. I will still enjoy the tomatoes from my share...


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