Monday, January 13, 2020

Best Medicine 2019

A "year in review" of humor in the blog was started back in 2009.  We're not sure how many people enjoy it, but the farmer has fun with it - so that will be enough.  There are two categories.  Line of the Year may appear in any type of post.   Post of the year was selected for the perceived entertainment value.  Of course, entertainment value is subjective.  And, since the farmer and his lovely bride were the only two judges, you can feel free to comment and correct our flawed insight!  

If you wish to read any of the posts that have been highlighted here, feel free to take the links provided.

Previous Best Medicine posts are linked here: 2018, 2017 2016, 2015201420132012, 2011, 2010, 2009

There are days when you feel you can laugh and have fun, and then there are days where nothing feels even remotely humorous.  As I reviewed our posts for 2019, I found there were fewer posts entirely dedicated to 'silliness' and fun.  But, happily there were many nuggets put in some of the more serious posts.  Lines of the Year typically come from that sort of post - a post where the humor is embedded in the serious.

Line(s) of the Year Category

The Runners-Up

We are realistic enough to have a picture of 'reasonable success' that resides super-imposed over both the 'perfect success' and 'imminent failure' that are in our mental files.
From Reasons for Optimism, March 17

The old man looked at me through cracked, ice-rimmed glasses and wheezed, "I ain't done yet, or my name ain't Winter."
From Old Man Winter, March 30

We asked the henlets for a volunteer to take some pictures on the farm and we were roundly rejected.  Instead, they just wanted the food Tammy was carrying at the time.  We asked Inspector, but he just looked at the camera and then walked away.  We'll take that as a rejection as well.
From Always More to Do, June 25

Other days, the list is something along the lines of "WEED!"  Yes, you could split that into smaller chunks.  But, why?  Other than giving everyone a starting point for weeding, there really isn't much need to say more.
From Reflections, August 28 

I also went out and asked them if they might like to be called Gnarly Gobblechickens.  The general consensus was that they liked being 'gnarly' and they were fine with the 'gobble' part.  On the other hand, they were not so certain that the proposal that all of these birds be some type of chicken was such a good one.  
From Frost's Eve, October 11

Let's just say that I know enough to know that I don't know enough.
Maybe I should go to the library and check out a book on the subject.
Maybe it's in the first-grade section.

From Not Smart Enough,  October 14

My to do list is never done because I keep adding more on to it.  "If I could only get X done before the snow flies" becomes "if I could only get X and Y done" which then becomes "X, Y and Z."
From Disbelief ,  November 11

...we do like to clean up at least a little bit - I am sure you appreciate that.  After all, you all look more attractive when you aren't wrinkling your noses at that smell that seems to be accompanying the farmer today - so I appreciate it too!
From Sustainability by Doing, May 14 

Of course, this bird did this on what was to be one of our colder nights so Rob went out the next morning and found frozen chicken in a block.  A chicksicle, if you will.
From Really Something, February 24 
...where do we put that on our list?  Number 214, I suspect.  Not good chances it will reach the actual, "it could get done" section.  Not that I am asking for something to occur that puts it up higher on the list.  That sort of thing is usually mildly catastrophic in nature and we really don't need to do that, thank you very much.
From What Do I Do With That?, February 18 

We grew some pretty smart lettuce on the farm this past season.  Too bad we cut them off at their base and gave them to people to be eaten.  Aren't you glad you aren't lettuce? 
From Reflections, January 11 

And the winner is....
No, seriously, YOU can write a poem to YOUR lovely bride.  My lovely bride knows my poems tend to be silly and are always off-the-cuff.  Ok, they're not really poems.  They're more like exercises in silly rhyming.  Always better to NOT write those down. 
From ...Five Weird Tricks, February 10


The Post of the Year Category focuses on posts that have more of a focus of being entertaining or humorous.  So, if you are in the mood for more amusement... take the links shown after the featured teaser lines.

Post of the Year Category

The Runners - Up
 "I'm laying an egg!  I'm laying an EGG! I'm laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaying an EGGGGGG!  Hey!  New bird!  Stay away from my EEEEEEGGGGG!"
From Crazy Maurice Talks About Neighbors, August 20

I tried to cross the field without touching the ground by leaping from the back of one young cow to another.  After that, I took stock of the situation and realized my calves were sore.  Now THEY had a beef with me.  I guess it was time to moove on.
From Are We Amused Yet?, December 17 

If you look closely at the picture above, you can see the snow up against the long-side of Valhalla.  That's about 100 feet of deep snow "goodness."  And, when I say goodness, I mean "GOODNESS! Look at that!"
From The Ides of March, March 13 

We can go on record that fans don't really work.  Neither do giant straws.  And, we couldn't move the giant sponge once it soaked up all it could hold, so never mind.
From Click Here for Shocking Ways to Revive Your Meme ory, February 12

You can still roll your eyes after you say it - especially if you do that while reading the blog because we can't see you.
Or can we?   Hmmmmmmm.   NOW, I've got your attention!

From 12 Things You Didn't Know, February 5

Every photo was blurred beyond recognition.  Every single one.  We had no proof.  We only had our experience and our word to you.  The Ents are alive and they walk in the woods.  
From Meeting the Ents, January 24

And the Winner for 2019?  No surprise - it's the April Fools post!

You probably have noticed the 'tiny house' concept for humans - well, here is the next new thing for pets - the litter bucket tiny home!
From A Dollar Short, April 2

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