Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Available from GFF May 6

We will be putting our available items up on the web the day of a delivery each week on the blog in addition to our email newsletter list.  The email list goes out the day prior to the blog posting, so if you wish to get in on the earlier version (and avoid having things sell out) then contact us at our email address.

Available This Week:

  • Eggs - $3.50/dozen (limit 2 doz/ family)
  • Carrots - $2.50/pound
  • Asparagus - $5.00/pound
Carrots are from Grinnell Heritage Farm and they are Certified Organic.  This is our last group of carrots form them until our own carrots get going later in the season. 

The asparagus is from three sources.  Our own farm.  Jeff Sage's gardens and Grinnell Heritage Farm.  The cool weather is likely to slow down all of our asparagus for next week, so we will have much less available on May 13.

Pick Up Locations Today
  1. 5:00-5:15PM  Waverly - St Andrew's Church parking lot
  2. 5:30-5:45PM  Waverly - Yogi Life Studio parking lot
Drive by delivery.  Drive up/park, open your trunk or tailgate, stand aside and we'll put your order in your vehicle.  Do not approach us, even though we would love to see you. 
If you are biking/walking, we will place your order where you can get it after we step back.

We will NOT take payment at delivery, please see below for how payments will work.

Thank you so much for tolerating this process to help keep everyone safe and healthy.  We will modify the process as the season progresses and available product dictates the need to do so.

How Do I Order?
For the time being, we are taking orders via email.  We are asking those who wish to place orders to participate in our Pre-Paid Farm Credit Program.  The program is simple and easy to join.  You get better prices and you will help us to limit transactions (and remove the process of passing money back and forth during deliveries).

How Can I Participate?
2020 Pre-Paid Farm Credit Program
We will run the system in $50 increments.  In other words, you can purchase a minimum of $50 of farm credit at a time.  We will cap the maximum amount of credit at $200 and you can refill your farm credits at any point.

Like the CSA program, this gives you the advantage of not having to pull out money at each delivery.  Instead, we will have a ledger with tracking for your current credit balance. Farm credits can be used for ANY farm product the Genuine Faux Farm offers.  If you buy farm credits, you can apply them to purchasing meat chickens, vegetables, eggs or any other thing we offer this year.

If you want to send us a check via mail - email us for our farm address.
Want to use Paypal?
You may send cash to

We are accepting purchases of credits now and throughout the season.

Upcoming Schedule
  • May 6 - Waverly, St Andrew's Church & Yogi LIfe
  • May 14 - Cedar Falls, Jorgensen Plaza and Hansen's Outlet
Tammy and Rob's Weekly Challenge
We will try to be creative and come up with a 'challenge' for you each week of deliveries.  This week's is a repeat because we feel it is good for us all to consider.

Being Kind Challenge - Pay Someone for No Services Received
Tammy and I are blessed to be able to say that we have income at this time.  Other people are not as fortunate.  We agreed to write checks and send them to people who have provided us with services in the past, but are unable to do so given the pandemic situation.  For example, we get hair cuts (even if it doesn't look like Rob does that often) and we do go to a massage therapist so our farmer bodies can keep moving.  These checks are meant to pay them as if they had provided us with these services that we had budgeted for anyway.  We made it clear we expected no compensation as far as future services were concerned.  And, we intend to return to them for service one things are clear to do so once again.

We challenge you - if you are able - to do the same.  I bet everyone who receives this email can think of someone who is self-employed or has a service-based job who won't easily be able to make up for the lost income.  If you happen to be one of those persons, we hope people will identify you and pass this kindness on.

Crop and Poultry Report
And cats!  I, the Sandman, have spoken!
The spinach should be available next week!  Beet and carrot germination has improved, but we planted some outside to add to those crops on Monday.  In addition to beets and carrots in the field, we put in some borage, zinnia and sunflowers.  Asparagus got going this week, but the colder weather will slow it down dramatically.  Rhubarb is just getting some size and the cool will also delay that.  All of the chicks continue to look great.  We seeded a large number of things into trays over the past weekend.  Squash, cucumbers, broccoli, melons and all sorts of things are now on heat mats.  They will certainly stay on those heat mats through the upcoming week as the weather goes cool on us.

Our Inspector (the cat) has decided that things are "up to code" on the farm and Soup (his mother) doesn't really care as long as she gets a little attention and food.  The Indoor Farm Supervisory Crew of Bree and Hobnob are not at all sure they know what to make of Zoom meetings.  Their humans are talking, but not to each other and then some disembodied voice talks back?  Ugh.

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