Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Just a Little Rain

After the past few years, I think I can be forgiven if I still cringe a bit when I see a forecast with potential rain for a period of a week or more.  I recognize that a forecast that shows rain each day does NOT mean it will rain every moment, nor does it mean we will get much rain.  In fact, as Monday showed, there were long stretches of time where the sun graced us with its light and warmth and the clouds in the sky passed us with no intention of dampening our spirits (or the rest of us).  Tuesday, was a bit more of a roller-coaster.  How many times can a farmer get soaked to the skin as he runs to shut down high tunnels?

Monday's rain waited.. mostly.. for us to complete our evening chores.  It is more accurate to say that we packed most things up for the day, had some dinner, packed more things up for the day - and then it rained a little.  After that, we had to dodge some raindrops to close up the birds for the night.

The best thing about closing the birds up for the night when it rains in the early evening hours?  Well, after a full day outdoors, most of them had already gone in a bit earlier than normal just to get out of that rain.  That meant we did not have to wait until after 9 PM for them to meander their way into their respective shelters.  If it had been raining all day, they would not have been so cooperative.  If this doesn't make sense to you, that is ok - you are not a chicken.

I suppose there could be some chickens covertly reading the Genuine Faux Farm blog.  Since I cannot be entirely sure about this, you all know now why we call it "the Park."

This morning, we got up and found the puddles full and water droplets on the flowers.  Early morning featured some sunshine as well (something we haven't had much of lately).   So, I grabbed the camera and tried to capture a couple of photos.  I am often fascinated by water droplets on plant leaves or flower petals.  But, it is also May, so I don't usually allow myself a lot of time to be 'fascinated.'  Is there such a thing as a 'passing fascination?'

The amazing design of a hosta leaf is worthy of some of that passing fascination.  The leaves have a slightly waxy feel that encourages water droplets to form and then get funneled toward the stem.  From there, the droplets fall to the ground nearest to the roots of the plant.  These leaves serve so many purposes.  They collect the sun so it can be converted for energy, leaves protect the stem and roots with cover and they shade the ground, reducing competition.

For all of the things humans have done, or try to do, it is pretty difficult to top the design and function of the natural world.

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