Thursday, July 23, 2020

Some Recommended Reading

I know there are some people who actually read our blog nearly every day we put a post out there.  And, since April of this year - that's been nearly a daily thing.  We have only missed a couple of days since March 30.

Yes, that is pretty amazing.  But, for some folks, it can be pretty overwhelming!  One person told me they love the blog, but they just don't have the time to invest to catch up and others have implied something similar.

Well, I have GOOD NEWS for you!  The blog is not a story with a plot that requires sequential reading.  In fact, you can skip some blogs while you are at it.  We'll even make it simpler by giving you a "recommended reading" list of blog posts today.  Aren't we nice?

Recommended Posts
The editor and the writer for this blog got together and discussed which posts from April 2020 to the present should be put on this list.  It just so happens that the editor and the writer for this blog are the same person - so the discussion was pretty heated.  Here is what I/we came up with.

Still TOO many posts to choose from?  Look for the (** **) around a post.  That will be my recommended post if you only want to pick one from a section.

Do You Need a Laugh or Two?
Someone once told me I needed to write more humorous posts.  What they don't know is that the funny ones often take the most energy to write.  Why is that?  I don't know.  But, enjoy the ones that manage to sneak out and into the wild!

Are You Curious About the Farm?
The majority of our posts have something to do with the farm.  What did you expect?  It's our farm's blog!  But, there are blogs and then there are blogs.  We picked a group of them that we think are better written and might give you some flavor of the farm as it is this season.

Some of Our Best
If you don't want to laugh (or you think my writing isn't funny) and you don't care about the farm - how about we just put five of our best blogs since April right here for you?  Unlike the others, these are not based on my opinion alone.  The cats helped out.  And, some of you made comments or indicated that you thought they were pretty good.

Posts that Highlight How/What the Farmers Are Doing
We seem to get more post visits for items that give everyone a peek into how Tammy and I are doing.  So, I'll put a few of those here as well.

A Little Bit of Comfort Needed?
Try some of these posts.  Usually they aren't long and they typically are written as much to calm or console myself as they are to help others.  If you like them, great.  If not.. well, I tried.

Bigger Issues and Maybe a Few Thoughts
Every once in a while we dive into something that's a little deeper.  If you are in the mood for that sort of thing - here are some options for you!
Entirely Different
Here is a post I thought might be entertaining because it is different from the rest in that it takes a foray into history... postal history to be more precise.

Historically Imperfect

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